
The Boxed Thoughts of the Day

Last May, before I left with my family to Brad's graduation in New York at West Point, Dad and I had to have a big conversation with the Principal and Vice Principal about whether or not I would be allowed to go. I had already cleared it with my teachers, and they all said it was fine, but the other two had issues with it. They had apparently decided that it was about time for them to finally enforce the attendance policy. Basically if I went, then I would have F's on my report card until I returned in the fall and took my finals. Lame, right? So Dad came in to school in his Police Uniform (talk about the intimidation factor rising 1000%!!!), and we had a chat. The Principal tried using a police analogy, but Dad shot her down with it because she didn't factor in extenuating circumstances. Finally, Dad went and talked to Lebron McPhail, who is in charge of the Principal, and he decided I could go. Good, because everything was paid for.

Flash forward about three months. Guess who I ran into today! (Not literally.) None other than the Vice-Principal, who had blad-faced LIED to my Dad and me. I was thrilled to see him. He recognized me, and asked about the trip, how Brad is doing, etc. I was all, "Hmm....so now who is willing to cooperate?!?!"


Got registered for school today, and am currently debating whether or not to take AP Calculus. I don't want to, but I would kind of feel as if I were letting Mr. Bowker down if I don't take it. He's been my teacher for three years now, and he isn't teaching Caclulus. I do NOT want a full schedule...but... oh, I don't know. Got my locker by Hannah, Jade, and Kristina. Yay! And I got into Close-Up... another YAY!!! We all signed up for Link Crew, which will be super fun. We get to go to Washington, D.C. I'm excited. I've never been there before.

Am with Mom and work now, in charge of the copy machine once more. Just got back from eating lunch at the warehouse in Palmer. As I was eating my yummy salad from BK, I looked out the window and saw a bug, probably about 1.5 inches long, just wiggling across the ground. It was funny. Very cute. For a bug. You know. Saw Sean Moore at BK also. He recognized me, and came up and said hi, which I found odd since I've never really talked to him, but whatever. The salad was really good.

So, I'm pretty sure that no one out there actually reads this, and that the two views of my profile have been ME. How sad. But alas, thus is the life of moi. (Can't wait for French 3 to start!!!)

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