
Pull Yourselves Together!

So, on the way here (to Mom's work), we saw an Army convoy of like tanks and all these big rigs, and it was so cool. They were just driving through Palmer. And suddenly, I felt really proud of our country. There are a lot of people doing all they can to protect it, but then...

There are all these people on the news protesting the war, and that one lady whose son died, and she's arguing and such about the War on Terror. They picket the President's Texas ranch and hold signs outside of the White House in Washington, D.C. Now, I don't get that. Like, at all.

My brother is in Iraq right now, and I can't imagine how he and the other men and women feel, knowing that people at home don't support them. If it were me, it would break my heart. I would wonder, "Do they remember what happened nearly 4 years ago? I do. Do they remember the pain and the tears shed? I do. Do they remember all the innocent people who died? I do. Do these people even care? I do."

President Bush is in charge of the country. People elected him, and voted for him, but now they don't support him? What is WITH that?! They may not agree with what he decides, but I think that he has more knowledge of international affairs than almost everyone else in the country! Electing the President is not like painting a room a certain colour. The room, you can always paint over it if you decide a few months down the road that you don't like it. The president? You can't just change him out. You gotta learn to live with him, accept him, pray for him, and support him. Everyday.

The way people are going on and on about how we need to pull out of Iraq is simply ridiculous! Face it, people, we are there! If we pull out now, before our help is in motion and action with the people, it means that all the months there, all the people who have died, have been in vain. I don't want my brother to die. Or anyone else's child for that matter. But if they do, if something should happen to them, don't dishonour them by protesting something they gave their lives to protect: freedom. All the soldiers that have lost their lives should push us to do more to end this war, and terrorism as we know it. We should keep fighting to continue the task that has taken so many of our fellow United States citizens.

A lot of us take it for granted: being able to worship how and where and when we want, the freedom to vote, the ability to go to school, to work. People in Iraq can't do that. Girls can't go to school just because they want to. Our freedom is something that the rest of the world wants. But we get soo oblivious to it, that it doesn't matter any more to us. But the Iraqi people, yeah, they don't know what freedom IS. For soo long they have been oppressed by the Taliban. And now, because we are trying to help them live a better life, citizens of the United States are getting mad. Personally, I don't get that either. It almost seems like they think of themselves as "Holier than thou". It's as if the rest of the world cannot have freedom because they do not live in the USA.

What a bunch of horse hockey.

So, bottom line, support the United States. Support our President and pray for him. And support the troops. Pray for them - send them care packages, letter, and thoughts. I know my brother will appreciate it.

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