
Forgetting It Is Friday

I had thought of something to say, but now the thought has escaped me. I hate it when that happens.

SAT's tomorrow.

Ah, right, now I remember. So I don't have a first period, and because of that, I get to sleep in. On Thursdays, I don't have to be there until like 8:34, but on Fridays I haveto be there at 8:13ish. So this morning, I woke up, got ready, and went to school. And I'm sitting in front of my locker, and the bell to end first period is taking FOREVER to ring. So I'm just sitting there for about 30 minutes, when I decide to find out what time it is. I turn on my phone and it's like 8:52. So I run up to someone in the hall and they tell me that it is in the middle of second period. I begin my silent freaking out because secondperiod is over halfway through, but I grab my stuff and rush to the class. I walk in and everyone is all, "ohh...you're late..." but wehad a sub, so she just marked me as tardy...whew. It was really funny and I felt so dumb for not remembering it was Friday. gosh.

So that's all. But this is my 40th post. woohoo!

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