
Bombs Away!

We had a bomb threat today.

I was freaked out. Not like a, "Oh my gosh, I'm going to die" thing, though I did think that. I was more freaked out that someone could have so much pent up frustration and no other way to let it out than by blowing my school to smitherens.

So we all had to troop over to the Middle School, all 1000 of us or so, and hang out in their big gym. It was crazy when we reached the front doors, because I looked back and there were just hundreds of people streaming out of the school behind us.

So we get into the gym and are just hanging out. For hours.

Finally they let us call parents, so I call my Dad and he says he'll be right there to pick me up. We live like 5 minutes from the school, but it is AN HOUR AND A HALF until he comes. The parking lot was crazy, the line of parents getting kids was ridiculously long.

So before we left the school, we couldn't get to our lockers, our cars, or anything.

So now, all the cars in the parking lot are in lock-down, and my keys, cell phone, and ID card is in my locker, along with today's lunch and all my books, bag, and down vest.

But Hannah and I were talking, and Tony, too, and what if they had called in a bomb threat, knowing we would go to the Middle School, then once we were all there, they bombed the Middle School with us all in it? There were no preventive measures for THAT.

So I don't know. It was rather a waste of a day.

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