
Mon Pouvre Voiture!

I got in a car accident.

After school yesterday, I watied for like 20 minutes before leaving, but as I was exiting the parking lot, a kid came too fast into it and slammed into me. He hit the driver side corner, busting out a light, and my bumper broke off and a panel and my grill got smashed. I'm okay, thank God times a million, and so are he and his girlfriend, who was also in the car. So I call Dad, and he comes down, and so do the kid's parents, and the Troopers come down, and take pictures and interview us and stuff. He ends up getting a ticket because he was going too fast. It was so sad. It was cold, and snowing and raining, and my poor car, so obviously, I was crying. And that is the one day I wear mascara. Figures. So anyway, theres over $2000 worth of damage to my poor car, which they are paying for since it is his fault. But I'm bummed.

Then I was thinking about something Pastor Tom said a while ago. Or maybe it was Ms. Mindy. I think it was Ms. Mindy. Anyway, in Sunday School, we were talking about Satan, and how he and God talk to each other, as Job 1 tells us. So I was thinking about how Satan had to ask God if he could do this. And I don't know why God said yes, but He did. So I'm trying to find a lesson in this. I'm learning to praise God in all things, like that it is still driveable and such. And I'm not really mad at him, I'm just...sad, I guess...about my car.

Apparenly tons of people knew about it, and I am so grateful that Lucas and Kristina and her car-load of people stopped. I totally needed the hug Chrissy gave me. Props to you guys (though I'm sure Kristina is the only one who reads this).

And we called Brad last night and told him, and I made sure he knew that the bass is okay. When Jeff got in his accident, the bass flew out the back window. So I assured Brad it is okay. Haha

I'm learning to find joy in all things, I think. It's really exciting.

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...


I'm glad everyone is okay too.