
Super Fan #36549

Hannah and I went to the basketball game tonight, and I am so glad I did. I love going to Colony's basketball games. I get so into it.

I decided that when I go to OBU, I'm going to be a Superfan. And get all my buddies, and we're gonna put on every OBU thing we have, and it'll be amazing. It'd be fun to be a CHS superfan, but it's kind of late, so I'm going to be an OBU Superfan. I don't think they have any right now. I'll start a new tradition.

There's another game tomorrow. We're trying to decide if we should go to the game, or to the play. We both want to go to the game, but we probably should go see the play, since our friends are in it and all.

My kitty is sitting on my lap, which is a rare occurence. Her head is on my wrist which is making this hard to type.

Oh, someone IMed me. My cousin Tristan.


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