
Yeah, Pretty Much.

I'm pretty sure my alter ego has a British accent. And she's really outgoing and nice. And a good singer.

Hannah and I were talking at Curves today...because that's what we do...and I think if I could have anyone take me to prom this year, it would be Rupert Grint. Seeing as that is completely unlikely, I'll choose again. Really, though, the only guys I talk to regularly are Lucas, Cody, Chris, Titus, Ryne (sometimes), and there was someone else, but I can't remember who...guess I don't talk to him much, after all. Haha.

I don't know...I'm excited about Prom, but at the same time...I don't know.

I got accepted to Biola. Not as excited as I am about OBU.

And...yeah I don't know.

My throat hurts.


Mike said...

prom is for sinners, don't be one. Oh, and in case you were considering commenting on my site. Don’t, my wit and debate skills will crush you into oblivion.
God 1
sinners 0

Melissa Joy said...

Um, considering everyone is a sinner, saying prom is for sinners is like saying school and WalMart are for sinners. And I'll admit, I AM a sinner. But so are you. As for your wit and debate skills, I didn't make this blog thing to debate people, okay? If yours is for that, more power to you.