
I Am Free!

I would say that I haven't posted in a while, but that would be a lie, so I won't say it.

Lunch today was invigorating. I sat with Kristina next to the "Emo" kids as we deemed them a few weeks ago. And though I always sit with Kristina, except for when she's gone, the location was new. And I suppose we were feeling rather creative as we watched this kid who just walks back and forth every day during lunch, by himself, like a loner. And yes, I suppose that is kind of a mean way to describe him, but really, it's true. I mean, he has friends, but Sarah said he likes to have people think he's weird. So anyway. He stops almost directly infront of us, stares at something on the ground for a few seconds, bends, and picks it up. He looks at it and just puts it in his pocket. Kristina and I just kind of look at him, and look at eachother and laugh. We decide that he seems really dramatic, like there should be some background music with a snare drum and a cello whenever he walks by. So, obviously, we decide to make some. And since we both have metal lunchboxes, it was deduced that they would, in fact, be perfect for a snare drum. We see this kid be about to walk by again, so Kristina prepares to play the snare drum, aka her lunch box, while I play the cello, aka, air. It was amazing. My cello was not dramatic enough, though, so we decide to switch for next time. Lo and behold, we see Sarah and Lara, and we play them an amazing rendition of the previous song. They are UTTERLY amazed, obviously. So we practice some more, and Kristina comes up with a "secret weapon" aka, scratching the inside of her lunch box where the Charlie Brown imprint is. So we perform for everyone we know that walks past, which ends up being like two other people. And we play just randomly, kind of like a soundtrack to lunch time, which I liked. We're thinking that next week, we'll get Liza and Cordelia to play along too. And Kristina might bring her tape redorder so we can make a demo. Oh the joys of lunch time!

I just called Carrs to order the cakes for the Academic Assembly, of which I am in charge of refreshments, with Liza, but I've done, like EVERYTHING for it. And holy cow. The sheet cakes are $50.99 EACH. That is a butt-load of money for a cake that says, "Sweet job, 4.0 ers!) and another one that says, "Yay for you!" So I really hope that $100 is enough money to buy icecream bars for everyone on Honor Roll, which is like 350 people. And we have to get plates and forks.

Dinner at Valley Hotel tonight in T-um...46 minutes and (not really) counting. Dinner with Hannah, Jade, Kristina, and possible Tony and Sammy. Fun, fun. Then we're going to the talent show at school, and it's Friday night, so I get to sleep in tomorrow and see Dad. Then in like 7 days and a couple of hours, I leave for Oklahoma.

Every time I touch the envelope maker, I get shocked.

We performed our dances in French today. Mine and Brittany's Indian dance was pretty sweet, I must admit. And Peppin and Charday didn't do shabby. Poor Emily and Jo, though. They messed up a few times, which helped relax me and Brittany, so okay. We had the best props ever: Donkey Kong "Indian" drums, a feather in our hair, and we had the sweetest Free Style EVER. And we got an A. (Okay, so everyone got an A. But we worked HARD for ours!)

I think there are some people who like to be drama queens, and have everyone's sympathy, and like to be the center of attention. And those people bug me. I mean, I love them with Christ's love (or, rather, I try to).

I say try, because I fail a lot. But it's super cool how He always forgives me. Like no matter how royally I screw up, He's just like, "Well, try it again. You can do it." And He's so right. His Word says so: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13. And how righteous is that? I found a super sweet chapter in 2 Corinthians. I think it's chapter 3. It talks about how if the old law, with Moses, had glory, than how much more glorious is the new law, with CHRIST??? And at the end, it says that with the new law, there is freedom. And I started thinking about that, and how I'm really FREE. And not just from death and stuff. But I'm free from people's oppinions, because the only one that matters about me is God's. And I'm free from the world's judgement, because God judges purely. And though I don't always practice it, I'm free from worrying, because God is SOOO in control. And it was cool, because I realized that I can live life with no fears whatsoever of anything. I mean, God loves me, so why do I worry about anything? It's like, God opened my eyes, and said, "Stop worrying about everything. You're FREE. Live like you're free." So I think I'd like - I'd LOVE - to live like that.

T-26 minutes, oh 25 minutes to dinner. I'm starving.

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