
I Need a Heart Change

I'm -excited- about prom. Not as much as last year, but last year was rather prom crazy, I must say. This year will be fun. HOPEFULLY, no parents driving us in, though we may still have a sweet van. Or Cody's parents' Explorer. Either way.

And I'm going with an awesome group of people who I actually like which is nice. I liked last year's group, too, but last year was...I don't know. It's like, I knew all of them, but I never really talked to any of them, besides like Jade and Kristina and Hannah. And this year it's those three, me (duh) and Cody and Chris. So I'm excited.

And I was talking to God last night...because that's what I do...and... we'll see what happens.

I ate maklak today. Whale blubber. It tasted very...whale-blubbery. And it was slimy and kind of rubbery. INteresting. It was an experience, to say the least.

And I went tanning yesterday, and I got red. But...that's okay. I still have like 1 1/2 weeks until prom. It was really weird lying in a tanning bed. Becuase you just lie there. And all you can really do is think. I started counting, but I didn't start at one, and I can't remember what I stopped at. So I don't even know what the point of it was, other than to occupy myself for 10 minutes. Then I forgot I was counting, and I started talking to myself and to God.

Speaking of God, today Youth Alive was cool. This one girl, Caitlin, talked about listening to God, and it was neat-o to hear what someone other than Nichol and Traci have to say at YA. Then we were sharing prayer requests, and this one girl, Mikayla, totally opened up about what was going on in her life, which was also cool that she trusted everyone there enough to share. So I'm going to keep her in my prayers. I think she and her family needs it. Everyone needs it.

I think I'm selfish when I pray. I mean, a lot of the time, I just pray about things going on in my life. I mean, I take time to praise God and ask for forgiveness, and then it's all about me. And I know it shouldn't be, but I don't really think I know how to pray for other people.

It's kind of sad that so much of our society is centered on us, and how some people have no regard for others. Then I think that sometimes - a lot of the times - I fit into that category. And I don't like that.

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