
Soul Check

It's crap when someone is saved, or claims to be, but then they turn away from the Truth. Then they come back for a while, and are super on fire for God, and want to be baptized and follow Him. Then they fall away again, and turn to the lies of the world, the lies from Satan, and reject God.

I'm sorry, but it's crap.

And I wonder how it makes God, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit feel. Obviously they are disappointed. They've got to be sad, knowing that they made that person with the ability to choose, and upset that they chose wrongly. I would be.

But then, I hate thinking that daily I disappoint God. The God who made the sun and stars and moon and who made ME who loves me and died for me, and just wants me to live for Him. I disappoint Him.

Talk about a soul check.

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