
Friday Night.

Megan and Maria spent the night with me at the Swihart's when I house sat.

We're all freshmen!
*insert random yell here that translates to "YES!"*
Jesus healed the leopards.
"Why is there a frozen whole bird in the freezer...with it's feathers still attached?"
"It's a crocodile mouth!"
"What's that supposed to be? Chicken spaghetti?"
"Ryne, Ryne, wherefore art thou Ryne?"
"You doth play a mean baseball game. Your mom doth cook a mean meal."
Maria wouldn't clean out the poop.
Megan practically cried because she was scared. More than once.
The guy in the freezer opening his eyes.
And the other guy getting up and grabbing the girl.
Skipping the last three chapters. Lame-o movie.
I forgot to close the garage door.
Watching "Making the Band" on MTV for like 4 hours straight.
Disney game.
Sharing water at Arby's.
The guys pushing that car. Hahahahaha.
Megan stealing half of my pillow.
Body imprints in the grass.
The burned boat at the auction. It mimicked the one in the lame-o movie.
The Corrie Story...and Megan shuddering at the thought. hahaha again
Maria and I laughing about what I e-mailed him before I told Meg.
Talking for like an hour about the mission trip.
Telling them I want a guy who can/is willing to learn how to butcher a pig.
Maria + Ryne, Meg + the Dishwasher, Me + NOT CORRIE.
Talking about Thomas and how he's changed.
Realizing that Maria LOVES praise-band like nothing else.
Hearing about how Maria talked about me to Mr. Berg, saying I'm super cool. :)
Megan showing up in a skirt and sweatpants.

I'm going to miss them. It kind of sucks going to college. It's hard to think about everyone I'm going to miss.

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