
Ah Crap.

What the crap. What is going on?! How does that HAPPEN?

Wednesday night: 4 hours.
THursday night: 3 hours.

Question after question. Family. Baseball. Music. Video games. Pets. Shooting things. Our testimonies. Family vacations. Friends back home. Crazy things we've done with friends. Fears. Oh my word.

And I'm pretty sure he likes me. And that can't happen. Not with him, anyway. I don't like him like that. At all. He's like Lucas with a but of Tony - just the game-playing part of Tony, though. He smelled good last night. And he escorted me back to my dorm at about 1:00 in the morning. I had to sign in at the front desk, even, for being out so late.

This can't - CAN'T - happen. Doesn't he get that?

I can't just stop talking to him, though. That's not fair. But I can't lead him on. If that's what I'm doing. I don't want another Corrie. It's like that quote from Little Women: "You don't need scores of suitors - just one if he's the right one."

I'm not sure what to do. And I don't know who to talk to about it. I told Christina about it a little...but I don't know if she got it. Maybe I'll tell Addi while we drive to her house on Sunday. She'd understand. It doesn't help that she called him "My man" already. Or that she thinks he's a cutie, too.

I can't.

What the crap...?!?!?!??????!?


Kristina Huling said...

Whatever you do, be up front about it.

Jade said...

hehe you said crap. :) i would tell him that you like him as just a friend and let him know right away. your a wonderful girl melissa. he cant help it. and my goodness what were you doing at one in the morning? tisk tisk. aparently you were close enogh to smell him. hehe you make me giggle. i love you. you will do the right thing. god will guide you.

Anonymous said...

Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Remember why you are at that college....why you chose to go to there....what you have promised God.
Jesus died for you. He alone bore your sins on the cross. He alone knows you inside and out. Stay true to the Word of God. Stay true to yourself. Rely on HIS strength.
My suggestion, even though you don't know me, don't get too involved right now. You have just finished high school and you have a long life in front of you. Be a friend, if it's meant to be more you'll know.

Anonymous said...

hehehe you said crap. that makes me giggle. :-)

I love you my Eskimo friend. :-) And I am so excited that we are going tomorrow and will be wearing our "let's go conquer bricktown" outfits. yay!!!
I wrote about you. you should go take a looksie.
love you.

Melissa Joy said...

Hehe Hannie talked to a BOY!!! Just kidding. Love you guys. :)