

Life Goals:
1. Go to Africa.
2. Get married.
3. Have kids.
4. Adopt kids.
5. Teach English.
6. Stay in a beach house in North Carolina.
7. If the whole "missionary thing" doesn't work out, have my own talk show.
8. Fall in love.
9. Own a Jeep Wrangler - blue, with a hard top.
10. Go on a roadtrip.
11. See Kutless in concert.
12. Go to Fashion Week in New York City with Liza.
13. Go on a cruise with my sisters.
14. Dance in the rain with my husband.
15. Visit Europe.
16. Publish something. ANYTHING.
17. Walk around the Great Wall of China.
18. Step in the Nile River.
19. Take a trip to Golgotha.
20. Conquer a mountain.
21. Go camping in Homer.
22. Go to the midnight baseball game on the solstice in Alaska sometime.
23. Live a life worthy of my calling.
24. Learn to play a mean guitar, and maybe the cello.
25. Visit every state in America.
26. Stand on a bridge in the rain and spin around and around.


Kristina Huling said...

You've never been camping in Homer?
Kinda surprising.

I think you'll accomplish a lot of these. <3

Anonymous said...

I very much like your list.

Very much.

Specially the spinning in the rain on a bridge one.
