

I really don't have a need to be constantly surrounded by people.

In fact, I spent almost all day by myself. I slept in, and sat outside and read my book for psychology, and ate lunch and dinner by myself. I haven't really talked to anyone all day, except for someone on-line for a while.
It's been nice.

I'm okay with being quite sometimes.

I think I've said this before on here, but during senior year, in Mrs. Lackey's class, we had to write these lines from some poet's work, and the line that I picked said, "Sometimes I get quiet and rarely speak at all."
It's true.

I'm good with silence. Especially when words become superfluous. Because there comes a point when they do.
Silences are only awkward if you make them like that.
I don't think slience was meant to be awkward. I think it became like that because people need noise in their lives. They need to talk and be talked to and have music playing and something in the background. Why? Perhaps to keep them from thinking about things. Maybe they don't like their thoughts. So they try and fill their minds with noise to cover their thoughts up so that they don't have to think.
Why can't people just be quiet sometimes?
Why can't people just be by themselves?
Often, I like nothing better than just being in my room...alone...me and my journal and God.

If you're always talking, you miss something important that people say to you. If you're always listening to something other than silence, you miss the most important things being said.
Like the wind in trees.
Or the steady beat of someone's heart.
Or a car tire on the pavement.
Or the laughter that builds up inside of you when you think about something completely weird and random that happened to you and your best friends a few months ago.

And that's what life's about - the little things, the things that you can't really explain, but you know they are real because they change your life.

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...

I like the quietness.
I'm a fan.