
Muster Every Ounce Of Confidence I Have.

I am scared to take chances and risk getting hurt.

I think I want to try something one day, and fail MISERABLY at it, just so that I can see that I am capable of getting up, dusting myself off, and going on. So that I can realize that it isn't the end of the world. I want to realize that I have that strength... that if I don't have that strength, God does.

I want to do something daring this summer. Sky diving or white water rafting or something. I want to climb mountains and camp. I want to live without regrets.

I always tell my girls to take risks and chances. I want to do the same.


Addison Degginer said...

'I'm not afraid to fall, it means I climbed up high. To fall means not to fail, to fail means you don't try....'

Addison Degginer said...

hey, that song I was telling you about in the car is on my blog now. Its good stuff. I think you would like it. Let me know what you think.