
My Day As A Supermodel.


Today I tried out for America's Next Top Model.


There was an open casting call in Oklahoma City and I heard about it on the radio. So I decided that I would go audition. After talking to some girls on my hall, one of them decided to audtion with me, and three others decided to tag along for fun. So at 8:45am today, Katelyn, Kylie, Melanie, Kelly and I left for Oklahoma City.

I waved at people on the way in.

So, we get to the city, and find where we need to be, and park and go inside. And a lady is standing at the door holding a measuring stick, and you can only get a wristband to audition if you have a wristband on. So she measures Katelyn (who is 5'11") and lets her in, but measures me two or three times before saying I'm good (since I'm "only" 5'8" tall).

So we get our wristbands - I am number 193, and she's 194. So we sit down, and I'm reading for Civ, and we're just waiting. We end up talking to the girls next to us, and one of them asks about our pictures. And we go, "Wait - what pictures?" We have no pictures. We need pictures: a head shot, one of us in a bathing suit, one of us full-body. So we're like, Well, Crap!

Thus, we get in the car and find a WalMart. At WalMart, Katelyn and I try on bathing suits and take pictures in the changing room. Then we walked around and took other random pictures. Eventually, we went back to the photo place to find out that their printer was out of order, and we would have to wait an HOUR to get prints developed.

So we blew that popsicle stand and went to a Walgreens on a really shady part of town... 23rd Street. And the photo printers at that Walgreens were broken, too. So the cashier, after asking us if we were going to "That Model Thing", told us where to go to print pictures... further down 23rd Street.

ANd really, it was scaring. I saw a lady shooting up on drugs on the side of the road. There were gangsters everywhere. Kelly told me not to wave at anyone because they could (and would) shoot me.

But we saw the Capital. It was cool.

We finally found the place and printed our pictures before RACING back to Remington place. We weren't sure if they were past our numbers yet, so we just hung out for a while before they called 180. We were still golden! We still had a shot!

So we got in line in numerical order, and we were going to be in the second group to go. And after half an hour or so, they called our numbers.

We joined 8 or so other girls and went upstairs. Upstairs, they had us turn in our TWELVE page application, our pictures, and the copy of our two forms of ID. So we did that, and signed another piece of paper, and they put them in manilla envelopes with NEW numbers on them - we were 291 and 292.

So THEN we went into ANOTHER room, with 50 or so girls. By this time it was 1:30 pm or so. And we sat. And we played games - I Spy, we made a Cootie Catcher and asked random questions, and tried to talk to the other girls there, but none of them wanted to play with us. We made paper airplanes and threw them to see whose would go the farthest.

Katelyn's mom brought us taco bell. Mmmm...

And we still just sat.

For three hours.

Yes, three hours.

Around hour two, we got up to go to the bathroom, and got distracted by an empty hall way that had a mirror in it. :) We practiced our model walking and our poses and ended up making funny faces in the mirror. We "catwalked"...literally... on the ground growling and meowing. So funny. REALLY good thing that no one walked past, though we were laughing hard enough that someone should have come to check on us.

We were the very last group to go. And at 4:30pm, they called our group. We went with nine or ten other girls to another room, where we waited for ten or fifteen minutes. And while we were waiting there, I started thinking. And I was like, "Oh my gosh. Why am I doing this? This is so stupid!!!"

But then they called my number.
And I had to go into the hall to wait for a few more minutes before I went into the interview room. And...


It was great. I had to model walk (yeah, I know!) and pose. When they asked me to turn to the left, though, I definaltely turned to the right first, then was like, "Oh, crap!" And turned to the other side really quickly.

They asked some questions, like "Why would you be a good top model?" and "What do you have that other girls don't have?" and "How would your friends describe your personality?" I mentioned that I was from Alaska, and that I butchered pigs, shot guns, and went kayak sledding and they thought that was pretty cool.

The only people in there with me was a guy who ran the video camera and the lady asking questions. No Tyra... No Jay... oh well.

So they asked a few more questions, and I thanked them and left. As I was leaving, the lady told me that I had a really good interview. I hope so. That would be fun.

If they call me back, I will go to Texas for another round of interviews, then if I pass that, they would pay for me to go to Los Angeles for another interview, and if I pass that one, I will be on the show.

I mean, I only did it for fun. I just thought that it would be hilarious and fun. And it was! I mean, it would be cool to go all the way, but at the same time, I know that there are a lot of girls who want it a lot more than I do.

Anyway, we waited for about 8 hours to be seen for 3 minutes. :)

Good story, huh?


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That's AMAZING! That's a glorious story! Holy Hecky Muffins! If you are ANTM I will... I don't know, but I will be madly excited! YAY!

I am so excited for you!

Sounds like a blast!

Kristina Huling said...

If you get on "ANTM" as people like to refer to it, I might actually watch tv regularly. That would be sweet. Flippin heck, good story.

Jade said...

i wouldnt just watch it regularly, i think i would record the whole thing!
and then tell everyone i know that my friend is on ANTM :)

Melissa Joy said...

haha - thanks, guys!

I raelly don't think it will go anywhere, it was just really fun.

One of the RAs here in WMU writes for the school newspaper, so she's going to write an article about our experience. haha