
Oh, Happy Day! Happy Day!

Well, it is Easter.
I love this holiday.

I've had the song "Happy Day" in my head all... well, all happy day long.
I love the part where it's just like, "He's ALIVE!" Because dang - He IS alive.
I mean, He came out of the tomb.

I'm in the Denver airport once more.
I'm supposed to be at Shaun's house by now, but no such luck. My flight from Seattle to Denver (which was supposed to leave at 7:45 am) did not leave until after 12:30 pm. Thus, I missed my connecting flight to Wichita. And alas, there were no more flights until tomorrow afternoon, so instead I am flying to Oklahoma City and my boo is picking me up there. Phew. I don't get into OKC until 10:30 tonight, though. Long day.

It was good - being with my family.

The wedding was nice. My new sister in law is nice. My nephew is cute as a bug. Or a monkey. I saved the day - so I won the Super Sister In Law of the Year award. Dayna's top was too big, so I whipped off the safety pins I had on and successfully pinned her dress. Yes, I was amazing, thank you very much. :)

I have a new friend, too. His name is John, and he's like 33. He was my "wedding date". We talked all day. Then I bought really cute new shoes at Cabela's, and he made fun of them. Jerk-face.

It was kind of sad, all weekend. Brad had Paige, my grandparents and parents had eachother, Jeff had Dayna... I was like the 9th wheel. Me and Ryan, but he's only 3 months old, so everyone wanted to hold him and cuddle with him the whole time. I missed Shaun a lot.

Is that lame?

Waiting in line to get our tickets fixed, everyone was really irritated. But I don't know, I see it like, it isn't the end of the world. Yeah, we may be late to something, or our schedules may have to be changed around a bit... but really? It's okay. It won't matter a week from now. The plane was broken - I didn't want to ride on a broken plane and risk actually having to know what the safety card says. I'll pass, thanks.

MM, that bit of chocolate is good.

My Mom made me an Easter basket. :) Lots of choclate for me. Pretty much all I've eaten all day is chocolate. They showed "Enchanted" on the plane. It made me REALLY happy. I still have to finish homework, and I need to find out where my plane leaves from. But I still have three hours.

Oh, Happy Day! Happy Day! He washed my sins away! Oh, Happy Day! Happy Day! Forever I am changed!!!

1 comment:

Addison Degginer said...


you actually wrote a post that contained the words 'my boo'......

I'm speechless.....


hey, I love you.