
Four More Weeks.

Four more weeks of school. Well, three weeks of classes, then finals week. And I have so much to do.

Foundations of Education:
1. A ten to fifteen minute presentation
2. A paper about my specific topic for the presentation
3. A paper to turn in about how my and my partner's topic correlate
4. A final paper to turn in in lieu of a final

Modern Western Civilization:
1. A ten to twelve page research paper about WWII and crimes against humanity and how that affected Nazis and Jews.

1. A ten to fifteen minute presentation, which includes research, finding a problem, and solving said problem, and presenting the solution to a group other than the class
2. A five to seven minute speech on the topic of my choice (sub-par schools)

1. Exam on Tuesday
2. Book review due on Thursday

Elementary Math II:
1. Extra-Credit thing due on Tuesday

RA contract signing
Mission Center
Hall Activities
Meetings for Prichard and RA staff
Raising money for South Africa

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