
Support From All Around.

What a tumultuous week. Highs and Lows out the wazoo.

I am slowly learning to trust God, and though it is hard and I don't like it, I know it is good for me. This morning He showed me that He is a Romancer. And I love that about Him.

I auditioned for Biggie (the September OBU talent show) as an emcee (the person who does skits between the acts). I wrote my own script and performed a monologue in which I pretended to talk to Sarah Palin the whole time about America. I even painted an American flag tank top to wear. It's awesome. Anyway, I went to look at the list today, and my name was the first one on the top. THE FIRST ONE!! I was so excited. Nervous, oh my heck, but excited. 15 or 16 people auditioned, and only 6 of us were chosen. And the WHOLE school comes and PACKS the chapel, so this is a big deal. I'm stoked. I feel like God is really showing me something through this. Like the fact that I have GOT to rely on Him.

He has to be the only God in my life. And for so long... for close to 2 years... He hasn't been. That hurts to realize, but I realized it back in May and didn't want to do anything about it. Now I have...and I have never felt a more intense pain. I need to get over something before I can (maybe) get it back.

If that makes sense.

It's not what people expect. But God doesn't do the ordinary. I don't really know what to expect either though, I guess. I'm just holding on... waiting for this wild ride to even out... and I'm not sure it will.

I'm going to the state fair on Sunday with some of my girls, and I am so exceedingly excited about it. I'm learning what it means to build relationships again.

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