
Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones.

Mission Center last night was really, truly, fantastic. One of the best Mission Center nights in forever... Tink was missing - not sure where she was... which is weird. But the rest of it was awesome.

I colored with Kyle, a picture of a little boy dinosaur wearing boots, who was going to be eaten by a big dinosaur wearing roller skates, so we had to smother the little dinosaur in colorful ketchup. Then we drew a city, with doors and windows, and helicopters on the roof of every building, shooting bullets at the big dinosaur. And we drew a road. It's pretty much an awesome picture. I'm going to put it on my wall.

I planned all of the evening's activities, from the lesson about Ezekiel and the bones in chapter 37 to the bone game, to the verse activity, to the self-portrait puppet craft.

They were all eyes and ears during the story, gasping and laughing, and flexing their fingers along with me. And the game - thanks to Amanda's idea - was a HIT! They are all learning the song and verse, and loved coloring their bag puppets.

It was just FUN. I felt like a real teacher, planning every activity for my students.

It was complete confirmation that teaching is what I am meant to do.

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