
"Wanna Play Me?" - Napoleon.

Ha, Napoleon. How you make me laugh and miss home. I remember when Brad came home from West Point for Christmas the year it came out, and he kept saying, "GOSH!" and "Tina! You fat lard!" We weren't sure what was going on. Then we bought the movie and watched it, and my dad laughed through the WHOLE thing. Napoleon reminds us of a certain family member. Then Jeff bought Dad a Kip poster, and he hung it on Mom and Dad's bedroom door... like 3 years ago. And it's still there.

I miss my family.

It kind of sucks - a lot - not being home this Christmas. It's just not the same at all. We always have Christmas snacks out, and our tree up, and presents everywhere, and secrets.... and Mom and I shop together to just spend time together.

The Randall's don't. We went last-minute shopping yesterday, and I was so frustrated. Part of why I love Christmas comes from picking the perfect present, wrapping it, and waiting for that moment to come when that person opens it. I love looking through stores, finding things I want and finding things that that person would LOVE. Christmas shopping for me is a very personal thing. I don't like to do it with other people or when I'm thinking about other things.

That's not how they do it.

Today is my Dad's birthday. I'm not there. I tried to call him earlier, but couldn't get through. No reception, since I broke the antenna on my phone.

I checked my grades on-line... and I dominated. A 4.0 for the 4th semester in a row. Those two dang B's first semester. They're ruining me.

Christmastime is here. Happiness and Cheer. But it won't really feel like it until January 1st at about 2:30pm.

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