
Black Canvas.

My creativity is stuck. I have before me a plain black canvas, bottles of paint, paintbrushes... and an empty mind.

I love the look of a blank canvas, how it stares back at you before you put art onto it, before you make it something to be treasured and valued. And yet... it is so intimidating.

Putting art on canvas means that your secret wishes are out in the open, for everyone to see. It means that that which is so important to you may not be appreciated by those who see it. It means that others will share it. It's more personal to have art in your head, in your heart. But if art stays there, it can't color the world beautiful. And isn't that the point of art?

Our journey to the Oklahoma City Art Museum on Saturday left me wanting to see every piece of art on the planet. I want to learn how to blow glass, how to draw with charcoal, how to screen print.

I have a black canvas before me, blank of everything except possibility.

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