
Prom 2009.

I'm a little bit - A LOT - frustrated.

I wanted to go on a prom date with Shaun. I wanted us to get all dressed up, act silly, take cheesy prom pictures, and have fun. So I shared this with Sarah and Dani and Emily.

And somehow, our little personal prom date turned into a campus-wide prom. It isn't Our Thing anymore. It's an OBU Thing. Maybe I feel a little like my idea was stolen... which is kind of was... and maybe I'm upset that it won't be special for Shaun and I anymore. Maybe I think that now, people are going to think that I stole the idea from OBU and not the other way around.

Maybe I shouldn't care what they think.
Maybe we should go and do our own thing anyway, because that's how cool we are.

Maybe we'll go two weeks before the OBU Prom, just so we can have done it first.

Take that, OBU. Try and rain on my parade? I think not.

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