
A Ten-Item List of Recent Happy Things:

1. I lost a 3 pounds. My daily workouts might actually be doing me some good, even if I can't tell my looking.
2. Ashley spent last night with me, and she, Shaun, and I had a lot of fun together. We ate dinner at Taco Bueno, and watched "Slumdog Millionaire." It was good. I liked the music a lot, the story was good, and the final dance scene was fantastic.
3. It's been so sunny outside... not warm, necessarily, but sunny.
4. I have people to live with next year - praise the Lord! I'm so excited. My roommate is fantastic: we have gotten to know each other really well this semester so far. And our apartment mate is so chill. And she's a great cook! :)
5. One year from right now, I will be in the beginning stages of my student teaching. All of my friends who are student teaching right now say that it's fun. Hard work, but fun. So I'm excited.
6. My science lab group is the best ever. Jenna is so funny about the things she's interested in: she loved playing with the poop, but talks about the basketball boys a lot. And Jon climbs trees and takes pictures with an intense camera.
7. I found the most beautiful place on campus. Period. But it isn't really safe for me to go there alone, and I don't want to ruin it by taking other people there. Catch 22.
8. I am out of clean clothes, and have resorted to wearing skirts until the dryers get fixed here in Kerr. Skirts are fun... freeing. And pretty.
9. After our IHOP breakfast this morning, I took a 2 hour nap. I. Love. Naps.
10. I have no idea what I'm doing this summer, and while that scares me, I'm also okay with it. It will potentially be my last summer at home... ever. And that's weird. But then, I think about what is going to happen in my life, what God is going to do through it, and that's stinking awesome.

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