
Be There To Hold Your Hand.

Alas, Spring Break has stumbled upon me; or perhaps I have stumbled upon it. Either way, we have met, and we shall not part for a week.

Tomorrow is his wedding. Crazy. This is him, on the far right.

After the wedding, the boy and I are going to his aunt and uncle's house, then heading "home" to the Wichita area. I'm not yet packed. In fact, I still have laundry to do. And instead, I am painting.

I sketched a picture of some books on a shelf and some aviators, and it makes me pretty happy. The colors of the books so far are fantastic - so lively and lovely. Too bad life isn't always lively and lovely.

I am the co-chair for the India trip.
My first $800 is due by April 6th.
Then $1200 by May 1st.
Then the final $1470 by May 20th.

We leave the day before my 21st birthday.
I'll be 21 in India before I am 21 in America. Ha. That's funny. Funny also that my parents flew a gasket when I mentioned staying in Kansas for my 21st birthday, then going to the boy's family reunion. But when I asked if I could be in India on my 21st birthday, they were completely cool with it.

I will travel the ocean to be there to hold your hand.

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