
Los Angeles.

I think the Social Studies Project about Los Angeles is about to take over my life. It scares me. That, coupled with Environmental Science and Reading Assessment, is going to be the death of me.

I keep having dreams that I skipped some tutoring sessions. Then last night (or I think it was this afternoon when I was napping on the couch) I had a dream about rooming with Dani next year.

All I know is that I'm about to be really really overwhelmed.


Addison Degginer said...

its okay, love.

I'm here for you. For anything.

Melissa Joy said...

thanks, ocbf.

julieann said...

Hey Melissa! This is Julie. I found your blog from your facebook page. I just started a blog too.

I hope I didn't make you too worried about the SS project last night. It was worth it even though it was a lot of hard work! Hopefully yall will take pictures b/c I probably won't be able to come see the finished product b/c of student teaching. :( Good luck with it!