
To Me, You Are.

My Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be His name!
He teaches me things.
He is the stump.
From Him all things grow, flourish, and find life. He births, sustains, ends.

Be all, end all.

Singer over my soul, refresher of my breath, strengthener of my legs.
He never gives up on me.
He never lets go of me.

He's calling me - beckoning - for me to step out.
To take that leap.
That jump from the top of the fridge into His arms; away from the wall and into the music with Him; across the wobbly bridge to where He stands, eagerly waiting for me.
He rejoices over me, my Redeemer and Lover.

He is.
He is beyond compare, beyond description. The letters in the English language cannot spell out a word amazing enough, wonderful enough, beautiful enough for Him. Twenty-six little letters cannot do the Lord and Maker of the Universe justice.
I stand before Him, awe-struck, confused, and humbled and the words I attempt to utter fall short. My heart harbors ill-will, discouragement, bitterness, anger, smugness. All He wants is my heart.

The great thing about God is that I don't have to clean up my act before I come to Him. He accepts me now, broken and lonely. He takes me under His wing, and because He loves me, He doesn't leave me like that.

This week. This week has been hard. This world is challenging, but my God is greater still. He is greater still.

John 16:33 "I have told you this so that through me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble, but be courageous-I have overcome the world."

1 comment:

Addison Degginer said...

I love you, so, so,so,so,so,so,so,so much.