
Tuesday Tribute.

To Brad and Paige:

I am so glad we were able to spend Christmas, plus time before and after, together. I really look up to you both as an example of a godly relationship. You make me laugh and I feel comfortable talking with you about life and relationships and everything. Thanks for that.

Brad, I really appreciate the friendship we are developing as adults. I feel like I am almost just now starting to get to know you. It's fun seeing the man you have become, the man you are turning into. Thank you for having high standards in your life and for showing me that it's good to work hard, to be diligent, but to still take time to have fun.

Paige, I am so glad you joined our family. Thank you for asking about my life, for pursuing a friendship with me. I'm glad we have one in the works and I am excited about getting to know you more in the future. You are a great match for my brother. I love being your Boot Buddy and I look forward to being your Boot Buddy again in the future!

My hope for you guys is that you seek God together in every area of your lives. Wherever the military takes you, whatever needs you have, God will be there and will meet them.

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