
A Letter.

Dear February,

I think you will be a month of change, especially with student teaching and the J-man conference. Will you please be nice to me? Sometimes I'm still pretty fragile. I know I can run with the punches...but sometimes I just want to sit in bed with a good book. Are you okay with that?

February, where did January go? All I have left to prove its visit are pictures, memories, and a journal. I mean, really? We were such good friends, then it left. Did we get in a fight? Did I offend it in some way? I want to reconcile this relationship but I feel that the time has passed and that's on longer possible.

Go figure.

Not that I don't like you, February. You're just...a little dreary. It looks like Break-Up in Alaska right now. Yuck. I'll put up with your dreariness, so long as Valentines Day is pleasant. Even if it it not, I'll put up with your dreariness because good will come.

Good will come, February, and you can't stop it. I will persevere.


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