
At Lake Hefner.

On days like today, when I feel overwhelmed and slightly awed by the fact that the last four years about to close, I like to just sit and think.

I've been contemplating a lot of things lately. Being His bride. The wedding feast. Kindness. Love. Laughter. I've been reflecting on relationships. School. What I want for the future. Art. Creativity. Who I am.

But more than anything, who He is.

I've had this thought, almost continually - walking down the hall at Cross Timbers, driving, sitting, talking, typing, it's constantly there. And that's that He is on the throne. Literally. Right there, to the right of the Father, seated with all glory and splendor around Him, He is there. Despite the troubles I'm facing right now, despite the work and the stress and the and the and the... He is on the throne. He IS. I know it. I can rest in it.

What the Book says about Him being there? Yeah, it's true. What the Book says about the wedding feast? It will happen. What it says about His return? It's coming. I like that.

I like that my little circumstances in Oklahoma, which seem so big and overwhelming to me, are nothing to Him. Not that He doesn't care - because He totally does - but because He is sovereign over them. He knows how they turn out. He wants me to trust, to chase lions, to be His bride. He wants me for His. I cannot let the things of this world deter me from being His.


KK said...


man, what a beautiful God...

Melissa Joy said...

Get this -

My Ruth Bible study last night was about the Wedding Feast... the very evening you and I briefly discussed it at dinner. Love it.