
Well, THAT Was Eventful.

Emergency Room

Double pink-eye (thanks, Roomie!)
Sinus infection (where'd THAT come from?)

Blood sample.
"There's NO chance she's pregnant!"
CAT scan of my brain.
Riding in wheel chairs.

Freaking out - being scared.

Lying bed, watching the Food Network.

So many nurses.
The man who leads music at church. Random.
He said it was nice to meet me. Ha.

New prescriptions.
21 days.
7 days.
So tired.

Is it summer yet?


Kristina Huling said...

Uhm? You were in the hospital?

KK said...

This is ridiculous.

My solution: we should rock our mutual sick states together. Heck, all I do is lay around watching the Food Network...why not do it together?


Let me know if there is anything I can do for you my dear. Love you.

Melissa Joy said...

Yeah, I was in the E.R. for a couple of hours yesterday.

And Katie, we should :) How are you feeling, btw?