
Cracked Faith.

In July, it was "Wake me up when September ends."
Now, it seems like a constant countdown to the weekend. Weekends. Seems like they start Thursday night now.

This is what it means to walk by faith:
1. I know that the Most High God wants me here.
2. I don't know why.
3. I will be here anyway.
4. I will continue to do what I know He wants me to do.
5. Right now, that means working in a warehouse, living at home, and spending time with people about whom I care deeply.

Walking by faith is taking a step, even when you don't know where that step will take you. It's saying, "I'll put on my shoes, I'll leave my house, and I'll go wherever you tell me to go."

The hard thing? There are cracks in the sidewalk:
1. I still haven't found a car.
2. I can't afford to go to my BFFFL's wedding.
3. I am taking classes again and had to pay for them, decimating my bank account again.

And yet, the most beautiful flowers bloom in cracks in the sidwalk:
1. Dad and I had a great conversation the other night, before he went to work, about relationships and supporting one another while still speaking Truth into their lives.
2. My parents are still paying my phone bill and for most other things.
3. Sitting and talking, one of my favorite things, is free.
4. Through Christ's death and bloodshed, I am made clean.


Kristina Huling said...

I cannot keep your BFFF and OCBF and BFFFL straight. I don't even know what BFFFL is supposed to mean. Best friend forever for life?

And also, I think being able to spend time with the people you care about deeply is a good thing, although it probably takes some adjusting.

Hiking is free too! =)

Kristina Huling said...

Also, I like the new background/layout.

Melissa Joy said...

Ha, I don't really know what BFFFL stands for either; we said it by mistake one day and it stuck. One of the 4th graders though, during student teaching, said it stands for "Best Farting Friends For Life." So we'll go with thtat.