
Happy Thanksgiving!!

This year, I am most thankful to God for restored relationships. I am thankful that He is working in my life, making me more like Him and less like me, even when it hurts. And I am thankful that I can see that in others' lives.

I am thankful for parents who still allow me to live at home, without paying rent. I am thankful for parents who are still married, after 30 years, for brothers who tormented me growing up and with whom I am starting to have good relationships. I am very thankful for grandparents; both sets have been married or were married for over 50 years.

I am thankful today for the snow that fell overnight and continues to now. For a morning in bed, with the Lord. For being able to (mostly) start a fire in the wood stove. For a yummy breakfast burrito now and promises of good food later. For Christmas music on Pandora! Today it can officially start.

At Christmas, we celebrate the birth and at Easter we celebrate the resurrection.
Thanksgiving is the time to stop and just be THANKFUL that He came and did those things.

I am thankful that the God I serve is not wood, clay, or stone. He is alive and well, reigning on high, victorious over all.

Last night, when I knelt to pray in a different house (where I am housesitting), I had the thought of, "Oh! I'm somewhere new! Does God know where I am?" Then, undoubtably, I felt Him say, "Yes. I know where you are. Of course I do." Such joy and peace came over me. I am thankful that He knows me.

I am thankful that I do not have to guard my heart from Him. He is fully trustworthy and has all the best intentions in mind. I trust that. I trust Him.

So Happy Thanksgiving. Give thanks in all things. He is Risen Indeed.

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