
To Someone I’ve Drifted Away From.

Side note: Why are all these subjects so sad?! I mean, come on. What about a letter to a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow??

Hey Sarah.
We've drifted. Icebergs moving so slowly through the water that you don't even notice at first, the one day - BAM! You're gone. Funny how that happens.

I really looked up to you for so long. I still do, but now I don't even know you hardly. What are you doing? Where are you?
I wish I could plop down in your office, tell you about my life and a new funny story, then hear about what your kids are doing before I went on my way and you on yours. That was lovely, wasn't it?
I would love to see you in church again. I would hug your neck for an awkward amount of time. Is that okay?
I would tell you all about Chris and why I didn't move overseas and I would pray that you'd understand.

I would ask if you were mad at me.

And I would hope that one day, it would be like the olden days of us.


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