
To The Friendliest Person I Knew For Only One Day.

(*This one is hard for me. It's true, I have a tendency not to remember people. I'll remember faces, but not necessarily any connection we have. Thus, it's hard to think back on one person, from one day. Also, it takes A LOT for me to consider someone a Friend. I may know someone for years - literally - before I think of them as a friend. For that reason, I choose to change it from a "Day" to a "Week." Deal with it.)

Dear Sheila and family,

Oh my gosh. Visiting you in Virginia/Washington D.C. that one spring break was so random and ridiculous. Here I was, a little white girl from Alaska spending all this time with an African-American family in D.C. that I literally did not know at all. Well, okay, I had met Sheila once. For one day. Or two. The trip could have gone awfully, horribly, awry. But it didn't!

You were so friendly - giving me virtually free reign of your basement, taking me to the Circus, allowing us to explore D.C. on our own, taking us to dinner that one night where we each had like 12 courses. Our eyes were much bigger than our stomachs.

I loved going to your job, Sheila's Mom, and learning about what you do. I am, still, so in awe of the love and friendship in your family, how you welcomed me in even though you didn't know me from Eve. Thank you for that.

Man, I had forgotten all about this. Flying into the airport, not knowing at all who I was looking for, or what to expect. Not even knowing you had a sister, then all of a sudden, there was a girl holding a sign with my name on it. We drove through DC "on the way home" at night. That was cool.

You're all cool. Thanks for a wonderful time. You are indeed the Friendliest People I Knew For Only One Week!!

Your White Alaskan Daughter.

aka, Melissa

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