
Tuesday Tribute!

It has been a LONG time since I have composed a Tuesday Tribute. MONTHS, in fact. But it's time.

Dear LDB,

I'm SO GLAD we are long-distance buddies!! I've missed you and our friendship - we had fun in high school! Sometimes I forget that we were such good friends. But we really were. I am thankful for that. It's like, each time I prayed for a good Christian friend, you came into my life.

Oh my gosh - that time we hung out in Palmer with Jen and Titus randomly?! Haha, V-Ho, and taking pictures, and we went to that park that has the spinny thing.
I don't remember hiking in Hatchers, but I remember when we hung out in Anchorage. You had mono :( (BTW, I think I might have mono now... I'll know tomorrow.) We "hiked" up to Thunderbird Falls.

Literally. That's how God worked it out.
You are my answer to prayers.

It's funny how our lives are similar now. Like relationships and jobs and even what God is teaching us. I like that. Often, I miss having girlfriends with whom I can discuss the Bible and what I am learning and whatnot. How great is that, that now we can do that again.


Thanks for being my friend again. You're great :)


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