
Lessons Learned.

I really enjoy reading advice that people give. You know, the "23 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Was 23." I love them. I really enjoy hearing/reading about what matters to people - what lessons have they learned that make them who they are now? What would they redo? What are they proud of?

There are some girls at church who are in college. When they entered, I gave them freshman year advice: Do not seriously date a boy your first year in college. Sophomore year, the advice was different: Get out of the country and experience something different. While you are Outside, go out of your way to do something for someone else. My advice for Junior year would be thus: Give friendships a second chance. Be the kind of friend you want to have. And then Senior year: Learn how to worship. And do a Bible study with other senior girls.

But the more I've thought, in general, about advice, the more I want to share. I do not by any means have it all together. But I believe that the Lord is faithful, and He does work everything for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. Soon I will post my advice. I don't know if it will have a catchy title, or a certain number of items. But I hope it is valid.

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