
me. thats who I am.

(1) What did you want to be when you were younger? a teacher
(2) What's your favorite type of music? pop/rock. But it depends on my mood
(3) What do you spend most your time doing? school stuff, or reading, or at church.
(4) When you're home alone, what do you do? read and listen to music
(5) What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant? Taco Bell
(6) Where is your favorite local place to hang out at? my house
(7) Are you a farmer? yes, we have chickens, a goat, ducks, rabbitts, cats, and a dog.
(8) If you could marry anyone who would it be? whoever God plans for me
(9) How much do you think about the opposite sex? not a lot...usually
(10) What's your favorite brand of toothpaste? Whatever my mom buys
(11) What kind of grades do you make? A's or B's
(12) If you could go anywhere where would you go? Africa - specifically Ethiopia
(13) How many people do you live with? 2 - my parents
(14) What is your favorite sport? football
(15) How many kids do you want?? a few... or a lot. I don't know.
(16) What would you name them?? Connor or James or Elizabeth or Margaux
(17) What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear?? whatever is in my pocket
(18) Coke or Pepsi?? neither.
(19) What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy??probably throat drops
(20) Have you ever been in a wreck?? yup
(21) When do you usually go to bed?? when I get tired enough
(22) Do you have more dreams or nightmares?? I never remember either of them
(23) Do you practice any type of religion?? i AM a Christian
(24) How many friends do you have?? some
(25) What's your greatest accomplishment?? serving God.
(26) What do you plan to be when you're older?? a missionary
(27) What do you normally wear to bed?? sweatpants from West Point and a T-shirt
(28) What's your favorite thing to do?? read, listen to music, watch movies and hang out with friends
(29) What color hair do you have?? "auburn"
(30) Do you sing well?? um, not sure. not really.
(31) Have you ever been in love?? i love Jesus
(32) Would you eat a cockroach for $500?? if it was small, maybe.
(33) Are you afraid of the dark?? I can freak myself out in the dark, so yeah, sometimes
(34) If you had to sum your life up with a song what would it be? John Reuben's "Nuisance"
(35) Where's the last place you've been? my mom's work (where I am now)
(36) What color would you say you wear the most of? brown or blue
(37) Do you get along with your parents? yes, I do.
(38) Would you consider yourself 'popular'? no. but popularity isn't everything
(39) Do you live in the country, burbs, or city? you can't really call Palmer any of those things
(40) What was your most painful experience? when i ran into our barn on my bike and sprained my wrist.
(41) What was your most happy experience? VBS!!! I love VBS.
(42) Have you ever been stalked? I thought I was while I was in 10th grade. He was weird.
(43) Have you ever egged a house? nope
(44) Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)? no, but I'm trying to get my Dad to take me.
(45) Do you support PETA? heck no.
(46) Do people think you're crazy? I hope not. But I'm sure sometimes, yes.
47) How many people are on your buddylist? enough.
(49) Do you get dates easily? *snort* yeah, right.
(50) What's a big secret you have? I don't have any that I can think of right now.
(51) Have you ever drowned a fish? heck no.
(51) How many songs do you know all the words to? almost every song they play on K-love and country and then some
(52) Who is your favorite superstar? your mom
(53) What is your biggest pet peeve? when people get soo caught up in themselves that they can't see what is going on around them. It's not about US, it's about God.
(54) Would you consider yourself racist? no
(55) Do you read books often? for a while I didn't, but now I do.
(56) If you could change anything about you what would it be?I'm learning to like myself how I am, so nothing. Although I would love to have really long hair. But seeing as I keep getting my hair cut short, that probably won't happen. Ever.
(57) What is your favorite type of gum? cinnamon
(58) Do you snore? I used to, but I don't know anymore
(59) Are you afraid of thunderstorms? heck no, I love them!
(60) Do you care what you look like? Yeah, I like to smell good, and not have bed-head, but I don't spend hours on my apperance
(61) As a kid, what was your favorite cartoon? probably the Weekenders
(62) Whacha wearing? jeans and a Jeremy Camp Tee and a white hoodie
(63) When's the last time you kissed anyone? my mom a few nights ago.
(64) When you listen to the radio, what kind of station is it normally on? Christian
(65) What's your best physical feature? my hair
(66) What's the best thing about your personality? I'm outgoing as some people say. I can talk to almost anyone
(67) What's the worst thing about your personality? it takes me a while to be comfortable around people
(68) What physical feature attracts you most to the oppisite sex? hair. And eyes and Smile
(69) Are you picky about who you date? yes
(70) Oops, this one got deleted....
(71) Have you ever flown in a airplane? yup
(72) What size shoe do you wear? 11 :)
(72) Do you wear make-up? a little
(73) Have you ever went bungee jumping? I went on the slingshot at the fair - does that count?
(74) Ever been to Paris? nope
.(75) Do you believe in Vampires? no
(76) If you could become a Vampire, would you? er..no.
(77) Do you have any phobias? drowning
(78) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? nope
(79) Have you ever stolen anything? no
(80) Do you eat seafood?YUM heck yes
(81) Have you ever been drunk or high or both? EWW no
(82) Ever drove while drunk? right, no.
(83) Do you drink a lot or at all? no, not at all
(84) ! Have you ever lit yourself on fire? no, weirdo
(85) How many people do you trust with your life? a fair many
(86) Are you considered intelligent? yeah, or lucky
(87) What label would you fall under? the... I don't know. I'm not super smart, or a drama person, or an athlete, or a musician, or anything like that. I'm just me.
(88) Do you talk on the phone a lot? hate the phone.
(89) How often do you take a shower? everyday, unless tha t is not possible
(90) Do you have acne? yes and I loathe it.
(91) What's your favorite candy bar?White chocoalte Recess or PayDays
(92) Ever got a detention in school? no
(93) Ever been suspended from school? If so, what for? no and no
(94) Which is better: Punk or Prep? Prep with a little bit of punk
(95) What is your worst habit? procrastinating
(96) Do you like jaw breakers? yeah, at the movies! hooray!
(97) What is your bestfriend's name? God, then probably my mom
(98) Would you call yourself independent or dependent? dependant on God, independant other than that. Is that good? I'm still trying to decide.
(99) Do you like gossip? no
(100) What do you buy a lot of? clothes and CD's
(101) Do you have any medical problems? my eyesight isn't the greatest, and I get sick a lot.
(102) Are you listening to anything right now? the copy machine :)
(103) What's the last movie you've watched? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
(104) Who is your favorite friend? God. He's my favorite
(105) Who do you get along with the best? Brad, and my parents, and Jeff sometimes
(106) Have you ever been in a fist fight? with my brothers. They always win
(107) Who would you like to see run for president? Pedro
(108) Did you ever fall asleep in class? yeah
(109) Who would you say you look up to? my mom, and Ms. Mindy, and other godly ladies
(110) A one peice swimsuit or two peice swimsuit?one piece. You don't have to worry about your bottoms falling off, or your top riding up or whatever
(111) Have you ever been in a talent show? I have MC'd a talent show in elementary school
(112) Ever been camping? heck yes
(113) Shorts or jeans? jeans
(114) Double dates or just the two of you? depends
(115) Do you go to camp? yes - been to MYPD
(116) When's the last time your parents spanked you? years ago. I was like 5.
(117) Can you rhyme well?occasionally
(118) Have you ever belonged to a gang? Heck yes, actually. The Eggilton N. Bacon Gang.
(119) Know people who belong to a gang? yeah, Bekka and Heather O.
(120) Do you smoke ciggarettes?EWW no
(121) Indoors or outdoors? depends on what I'm doing
(122) Have you ever gotten beaten up? by my brothers
(123) Do you know how to cook? lol. Ask about the time I tried making instant pudding. Tip: Never use water.
(124) Do you know how to do laundry? yeah
(125) When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat? between 1 and 3 depending on their size
(126) How much do you weigh? enough
(127) Do you consider yourself too fat/skinny? i'd like to be thinner but it's not something i really agonize over
(128) Do you watch the superbowl? sometimes. I like the commercials
(129) What's your least favorite color? I'm not sure. I like most colors
(130) Have you ever faked being sick? no
(131) Ever done something illegal? i speeded
(132) What's the longest you've stayed up? about noon or so the next day
(133) Are you afraid of dying? nope
(134) What's your biggest regret? Corrie
(135) Ever picked up a hitch hiker? no
(136) Is your name on any bathroom walls? hope not
(137) Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? no
(138) What annoys you most? when people always want to be the center of attention and always talk about themselves
(139) Fave 'scary' movie? I'm not sure
(140) Fave 'action' movie? I'm not sure
(141) Fave 'romantic' movie? I'm not sure
(142) Do you have an accent? no
(143) Who is your role model? My mom or Ms. Mindy
(144) Do you like surprises? yes
(145) What kind of job would you like to have? missionary or a teacher
(146) Do you like to dance? yeah
(147) Ever took dance? yes
(148) Bold or pastel colors? either
(149) What is your normal Friday night like? hanging out at home with the family, watching a movie or TV, or reading or scrapbooking. Thrilling, I know
(150) What brand do you wear most? OLD NAVY! I love Old Navy
(151) What do you normally watch on TV? not a big fan of TV
(152) Do you have any 'special' talents? I've been told that I am a good story teller.
(153) What's your favorite sport? foot ball. Haven't they already asked that?
(154) What is the craziest thing you've ever done? Walking through Fred Meyers last Saturday night at like 9:45 pm with Kenny, Thomas, Jen, Ashley, Sarah, and Maria dressed like we were from the 1980s. It was awesome
(155) Can you play a musical instrument? clarinet and the kazoo
(156) What star sign are you? Gemini, but I don't really believe in that.
(157) Do you prefer public schools or private? never been to anything but public
(158) Do you care what people think? Not really but sometimes.
(159) Have you ever shot a gun? yes
(160) What are your favorite board games? Clue and Monopoly
(161) What is/was your favorite subject in school? math, but only because i find it very challenging. And I had a GREAT math teacher for the past 3 years
(162) Regular ice or crushed ice? neither
(163) Blue ink or black ink? blue
(164) Are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit? they're comfortable
(165) Have any peircings? my ears
(166) Gold or silver? silver
(167) What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Suave. Currently, Passion Flower
(168) Do you blow dry your hair?a bit
(169) Would you say you're a cuss-a-holic? no
(170) What's the last book you've read? That stupid "Ready or Not" by Meg Cabot - boo
(171) Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?neither? Is that an option?
(172) Spiderman or Superman? spiderman
(173) Have you ever broken a bone? yup: my nose, my left arm, and I've sprained my left wrist, my ring fingers on both hands, and my thumb, I believe. Or my pointer finger. Or was it my middle finger? I don't remember.
(174) Shower or Bath? shower
(175) Do you have any cavities? not that I know of
(176) Have you ever wore braces? no, but I need them
(177) What do you live in? a house
(178) Would you choose true love or a 100 million dollars? true love
(179) Do you have Cable? nope. We get like 4 channels
(180) Do you play any computer games? yeah, Jeff put some awesome games on the computer that I enjoy immensely
(181) How long did it take you to finish this? A while. why?

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