
Quit my Complaining.

On Saturday, I met Jonna and Stephanie and Chris and Cody at First Baptist of Palmer for a FISH meeting. Then we did the Baptist thing and relocated to food at Taco Bell. You know how Baptists eat A LOT? Like whenever they can get away with it? Yeah,that's us! So the meeting was awesome. I'm so excited and so happy to be included in it. I'min charge of Inspiration (the I in FISH). It's so cool that Cody and them are all such strong Christians. Like, I knew they were saved, but I never knew how strong they are. It's so encouraging. I wonder if when people look at me, they see Christ like I do when I look at them.

I think one of my friends was kind of miffed that she wasn't invited to the planning session. Though, honestly, I'm really glad she wasn't. It seems like she is so used to being involved in every little thing, always being included and loved. It's really annoying, but I'm trying to stop judging people. That is not what God wants me to do. It's hard.

But okay, so Sat. night, we went to our other friend's house to watch Gilmore Girls, and that one friend, she was like 4 HOURS late. So she showed up and didn't even appolpgize, and she had this huge attitude like she was "Miss THANG" and we don't matter at all. Then she sat in dog poop... serves her right. How can someone show up at someone else's house 4 HOURS late and act all "Holier than thou"? If she was going to be so late in the first place, why even agree to a movie/Gilmore Girls night?

French is fun, though. :)

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