
Silly Jonah!

God has a really good sense of humor.

I really like Him.

In the Missions Bible Study I'm going to on Monday nights, I'm learning a lot. This past Monday (like 2 days ago) we were studying through Jonah. Which I've read before, but I never saw the humor in it. And oh man, it is hilarious! First Jonah doesn't want to tell these people he can't stand about Jesus, so he gets in a boatand they sail away. A storm comes, and all the guys are freaking out...except Jonah. Sound familiar? It's like Jesus on the boat with His disciples before He calmed the storm. And then, Jonah gets this idea to throw him overboard, and he sounds totally calm about it. So the guys do, and Jonah is hanging out in the fish, praising and thanking God! So eventually, he gets to Ninevah, tells them God is gonna destroy them, and gets all huffy when the people repent. So he leaves the city, sits under a vine that GOD put there, and sulks. So God sends a worm to eat the plant and a breeze to "scorch" Jonah. And Jonah gets MAD!

God says, "Do you really have a right to be mad??!"

And Jonah says, "HECK YES! I'm mad enough to die! Just kill me now, God! This sucks! Why did you promise to save those people? And my poor plant! My vine! WHY????"

Those aren't exact quotes, but really, that's the gist of what they say.

So I was thinking, and what are the "vines" in my life? The things that if God were to take them away, I'd be mad enough to die?

Parents. Brothers. Friends. An arm or a leg.

And really, Jonah totally forgot in like a week how much God had forgiven him for running away from his calling, for all of that.

How often do I forget?

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