
It's My Birthday!

Today is my birthday!

Yay!!!! It was such a great day! I love my friends and my family and my school and everything on this beautiful planet that God so graciously made!

And I hope that doesn't sound corny, because really, that's how I feel.

So this morning, Mom and Dad came in and sang me Happy Birthday and an Army-type song that Dad changed for my birthday. It was sweet. Then I fellback asleep, then got up and got ready, and Dad drove me to school in his police car.

So I walk down to my locker, and it isn't decorated, and I'm kind of bummed. So I just sit there and look at my yearbook, and I glance down the hall, and there's Hannah carrying a plastic bag and smiling sheepishly. So she reaches me, and says, "Hey, you should go walk around the school so I can deocrate your locker!" So I start laughing, and wander aimlessly around the school for the next like 15 minutes. Okay, it wasn't that long, but still. Johanna Donner sees me and gets me some cotten candy from Mr. Scharf for my birthday, and I see the french one kids outside jumping rope, and I walk around some more, and go to my locker and Hannah is done and my locker looks really cool and I get super stoked.

So then we stand in the hallway with Chrissy and are late for Anthropology. REALLY DIDN'T MATTER. And Tony wasn't there, which ticked me off cause he was supposed to sign my yearbook. So anyway. Hannah made me a T-shirt that says "Today is my 18th Birthday!" So I went into the bathroom and put it on and wore it all day. And people kept telling me "Happy Birthday" which was fun.

During third hour, we watched the kareoke video that Brittany and I made for Hannah. And it was really embarrasing and funny.

In fourth hour, I ripped a kid's $50.00 in half...oops. :)

Lucas baked me an AWESOME sour cream cake, which I happily began to consume during lunch. And people walking past just kind of stared at me. Haha.

Fast forward to French. One girl bought me two huge things of Apple Juice (my favorite) and some ice-cream for my birthday. We happily consumed them and spent the rest of the class talking and signing yearbooks. It was sweet. I think that out of everything high school entailed, I'm going to miss my French class the most. They are such awesome people. During French class, the office brought me some flowers from Debbie and Earl, which was really really nice of them, and I got a couple of birthday cards (from Hannah, Glendy, Emily) and just felt special.

Went to work afterwards. Woohoo.

Came home, opened presents. Dad bought me a knife, and I got dishes and sheets for college. And lots of $$$$$ from family. Talked to Brad and Jeff on the phone, and we ate at a Mexican retsurant for dinner (I wanted fish, but didn't know where to get any, so there you go). After dinner, Dad and I played catch in the yard, which was fun. I miss playing baseball -A LOT-. I think at OBU, I'm gonna play intermural softball.

And tonight I played "mmbop" on my guitar. And now I'm talking to two of the greatest most godly people I know.

And I am sooooooooo blessed. And I have to take Megan a piece of my cake on Sunday. She'll love it. :)

I FORGOT! The Roots called and left a message on the answering machine for me. They all sang a birthday song for me, then at the end all shouted "WE LOVE YOU, MELISSA!" And I felt so loved. And Hannah sent me the coolest e-card in the world.

What an AWESOME day. And tomorrow I am hiking.

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