
My List Of Good Things.

It has been a rather sucky week, in general. And I'm pretty sure no one around me even noticed.

It has, in fact, been a sucky week filled with little happy surprises, and though they were most excellent, somehow they didn't make up for the rest of the seven days.

I cried last night, and yesterday afternoon, and felt very alone and defeated. And I asked God to ask someone to pray for me, so if you did, by chance, thank you. I really needed it. And I totally still do.

Some of the sweet things that happened the past week:
1. I played hang-man with Carli today after the tea.
2. Carli and I folded the table cloths, which was actually really really funny.
3. Hannah and I were the only two people at Curves on Friday and had fun playing with the machines. Or, I did anyway. I'm not sure about her.
4. I had a brilliant time in French class Wednesday and Thursday and Friday.
5. I started Brad's West Point book.
6. I got -almost- all of my graduation announcements sent off.
8. I watched America's Next Top Model on Wednesday.
9. I got to talk to Sydni on the phone TWICE in a week.
10. Cody and I had a nifty conversation on MSN the other day.
11. I got to take a nap this evening.
12. And I woke up with nap-breath which I always find funny.
13. Hannah left a hilarious message on our phone today.
14. I had some good God-Times this past week.
15. I got to wear my sweet green capris today.
16. I had to buy gas yesterday, and when I got to the pump, I realized that I had twice the amount of money than I thought I had.
17. I got three stamps from filling up.
18. I deposited $38 of my last check into my account, and got 90 cents for my piggy bank.
19. I fell in love with Air1.
20. I charged my iPod and have been listening to it a lot the past two days.
21. Less than 3 weeks until my 18th birthday. Can you say SCARY????!!!!
22. I got my roommate info for college.
23. Mrs. Trout gave a cool mesage today at the tea.
24. I prayed with my parents this morning, which rarely happens, except for at meals.
25. Mom gave Mr. Sherman the prom pictures and he liked them.
26. I listened to a Hanson song today that made me happy.
27. I decided I hate boys who have gigantic egos, guys with lip peircings, and guys who smoke.
28. And guys who can't admit when they are wrong.
29. The mission trip tickets are on hold - we'll be there for a WEEK!!!!
30. I know that Jesus loves me, but I don't know why.
31. I got applications for summer jobs.
32. Jen and I sang Veggie Tales songs.
33. I shaved my legs the other day, and they are STILL smooth.
34. I waved to one of my Dad's co-workers and laughed at the confused expression on his face.
35. I forgot about Human Relations...that was a fun class. I got a cookie, and was massively embarrased by Allison and Roxie in front of Mr. Berg.
36. OH, and I was totally embarrassed in front of the French class...several times, in fact.
37. I was complimented on my purity ring a couple of times.


Kristina Huling said...

Sometimes I suck at being a good friend, especially when my life is really stressful. I get really put into myself and crabby with other people, so I'm sorry if I didn't notice anything was wrong or was snappy to you this week. But I'm glad you can still see the good stuff. It's totally a God thing.

Melissa Joy said...

Yeah, I agree that it's a God thing. And don't worry about not noticing. I tried to hide it, which isn't good, but it's true. And you are a good friend. =D