
Nicole's Picture.

At graduation, my friend Nicole gave me this watercolor picture she had made. In the backgound she painted Africa in green, then over where Ethiopia is, she painted it another color and wrote "Ethiopia" in a really cool way. Then she added two African-looking people. And they are amazing. Breathtaking. Indescribable. How she made them that realistic with watercolor is beyond me. Then, over all of it, she wrote some scriptures and just a really cool note to me. I'm going to frame it, and guarenteed, I will keep it forever.

I don't know why I just thought of that, but I did. And for some reason, I had to write about it.


Kristina Huling said...

You also posted this twice, just so you know. With different titles.

I really like your writing style, how you just think of some random story and then write it down. It is inspiring. :)

Melissa Joy said...

hey thanks! *tear*

Kristina Huling said...
