
I Don't Know What To Call This, But It's What I'm Thinking.

You know how sometimes you experience something super awesome, beyond belief even, that if you stop to write about it, it just takes away from the experience? Like, if you share it with someone, if becomes less real? So you just want to treasure it in your heart forever, but you know that if you don't write it down, you'll forget it...the little bits and pieces of it that made it so awesome. And you know that pictures do NOT do anything justice, and the recanting of the stories is never as good as living the stories in the first place, and you can't help but wish that someone could follow you around with a video camera and a key to access your mind. But no one does that, and the memories fade, and life goes on.

That's how it is with me and this mission trip.

July 3rd was the best day of my life.

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...

I know what you mean in a way. But I usually don't have the problem with writing about it. I often want other people to know, even though I know they never can. It happens with a lot of things for me.