
Sequel Is A Funny Word.

I saw Pirates 2, the sequel to Pirates 1, with my parents last night and was pleasantly surprised. As a sequel, I thought it was very very good. It could easily have stood by itself as a movie, as opposed to a sequel. Which is good, as far as sequels go. I wonder how many times I can use the word sequel in this entry.

As a sequel (hahaha) to that paragraph, work has been fun lately. Azzy and I have been talking a bit - about the lights in the hallway, Gilmore Girls, people getting hurt on the job, names, and, yes, movie sequels. She, too, liked the Pirates Sequel.

And my guitar playing is coming along nicely (there was no way to use the word sequel in that). It's really fun to play it, especially when the song continues, in a sequel, if you will, on the next page, and you have to flip pages real quick.

Sequel is a funny word. Did I even spell sequel right? I hope I spelled sequel right. It'd be embarrasing if I did spell sequel wrong, seeing as it's in every sentance.

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