
What I'll Say About The Mission Trip.

This is actually part of an e-mail I sent to my friend, Brittany. But it's good.

Hawaii was AMAZING. It was indescriable. And I'm not even just saying that. I don't know if you'll understand this, but it's like, I loved just being with God in this beautiful place. And everywhere I looked - at the beaches, the water, the cows, the people, the guavas, everything -they had "GOD MADE ME" written all over them, and His beauty was everywhere. And God's been teaching me that there's beauty everywhere...even in me. Even on the days when I'm PMSing and everything (you know how THAT is). And I mean, I knew, but I guess I didn't realize that beauty goes deeper than skin. And nothing is more beautiful than the feet of those who serve the Lord. And how cool is that?

I think that's what God has been teaching me: all about beauty. A lot of times, I doubt I have any of it. But then, God assures me: I'm a little more than useless, and when I think that I can't do it, He promises me that I'll get through it and do something right, do something right for once.

So I'm going to bed now. And I'll sleep well, and wake up tomorrow ready for another day. I hope. Perhaps I'll sleep with my fingers crossed, just in case...


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