
Sermons And Youth Groups.

I'm now really excited for college. Whitney and I are planning stuff out, and it's just exciting. And yeah, I know my last entry was about how scared I am and stuff, but church on Sunday changed that. All of it.

Pastor Tom's sermon was in the beginning of Matthew 12, and I don't remember the title or anything. But something he said really spoke to me. Like, lately, I've been wondering if I'm really supposed to go to OBU, and I've been kind of nervous about that, and I know that that's Satan. Because Pastor Tom said, "God won't lead you somewhere where He doesn't want you to go." And I had totally never realized that. So I thought about that for a while during the sermon. About how God doesn't lead you half-way, then say, "Oh, okay, Melissa, you've got it from here. I'll see ya later." So what does this have to do with college? It's a total God thing that I even found OBU. Mom and I just happened to stop at a Christian bookstore in Eagle River, and I just happened to pick up a magazine and just happened to turn to an advertisement for Oklahoma Baptist University. And then I just happened to remember the website. And the school just happened to be EVERYTHING I wanted. Then I just happened to get accepted, even though they had never heard of me before. And I just happened to get scholarships from them and just happened to have a serene experience on campus. They "just happened"? Yeah right. That's a God thing. So during Pastor Tom's invitation, we started singing, and I went up to the altar to pray, which I don't really like doing, but I did. And I just prayed for an excitement. Because yeah, one door is closing forever. And I'll never have the same friendships I do now, and all that. But, anything can happen this next year. I could fall in love. I could have someone fall in love with me. I could make an awesome friend, who I'll know for the rest of my life. I could realize that I'm awesome at tennis. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. And I think that's why I'm so incredibly stoked now.

Last night was fun, too, with Kristina. We went to First Baptist Palmer's youth group. Chris invited me, and whether or not he really wanted me to come, I did. So that's that. They had a cool message about how you can only see pieces of your life, but God sees all of it. So even when you don't know why something is happening, God does. And it's all going to be okay, because His plan is perfect. Then, since it was Cody's last youth group, he chose a game to play, and we played Shuffle Your Buns. And it was really fun, actually. Then we talked to Cody and Chris for awhile, and Kristina and I met Jade at V-Ho and had milkshakes. So it was an overall good evening.

AND, I had an overall awesome week, what with hanging out at baseball games, cheering for number seven, to my multiple V-Ho trips, to sleeping in a tent in Hannah's backyard, to playing guitar in front of my friends. And whether or not they were impressed, I don't know, or really care, because I was just playing for Jesus. And I like playing my instrunment. Oh snap.


Kristina Huling said...

I liked listening to you play.
I thought it was cool, because we were all like kinda doing our own thing, but doing it together. And I like that.
And it was fun to just be chilling and worshiping and singing together. I liked it a lot. AND it gave me an opporunity to invite Liza to church, which is always good. :)

And I had fun Sunday and yesterday and Friday and Saturday and today too. Maybe we should see eachother for a moment tomorrow just to keep things up. :)

Melissa Joy said...

Ha - that'd be cool. I saw Megan Bowker everyday for two weeks once, which was kind of exciting and cool.