
Quitting My Job.

I told Terrie that I quit today. Our conversation was as follows:

Me: Terrie, I can't take this anymore.
Terrie: Can't take what, Melissa?
Me: I can't take the hypocrisy of all the people here, the racism that is so abundant all around, the insincerity of their words.
Terrie: What are you talking about?
Me: Terrie, I'm sorry, but Friday is my last day.
Terrie: NO!!! Melissa, you are the glue that holds this school district togeher. You are the World's Best Student Worker, as the lable on your Nalgene so clearly states! Azzy is good, but you, Melissa...you are amazing!
Me: Don't make this harder than it already is.
Terrie: But what will I do without you?
Me: I don't know. But good luck with that.
[as I walk away looking cool with sunglasses on my head...]
Terrie: Melissa! Melissa? Melissa, wait! Don't go yet! I'll give you a raise! I'll bring apple juice for you everyday! Melissa!!!!

Okay, really, that's not at all how it went down. But you were convinced, weren't you? I thought it was pretty good (fake) dialogue. But really, Friday is my last day. Yay! I leave a week and a half after that, so I figure I should start packing soon. And it'll be nice to just relax and stuff. Hang out with friends. All that.

So yeah.

Only two more days, and I'm jobless for the first time in over a year. Crazy.

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