
Chapstick. And Chapped Lips. And Things Like Chemistry.

Going to dinner in about 9 minutes. Or, 14 minutes, depending on which clock I go off of.

And I have homework to do afterwards.

This isn't very interesting, thus far.

Last night, I was thinking, crazy, huh?, about love. Yes, love. And I was thinking: who do I love more? God or other people? Do I want to be in love with God or with a mortal man? Whose love can I depend on more? So why then, do I spend my time thinking about other things?

And I decided that it's lame.

I have some other things I decided, too, but those will be recorded later. I need to get ready for dinner.

Peace out.


Kristina Huling said...

do you go to dinner everyday with a certain group of people or something?

Melissa Joy said...

It varies, but yeah, I usually sit with the same people in the ARA. I usually eat with Katelyn and Tammy, and sometimes Kristin and Savannah and another girl from 3rd South. Same with lunch. But today at lunch, these guys named Jonathon and Sean ate with us, too.

Kristina Huling said...

I seeeeee

yeah. that's right.