
Not A Senior Anymore.

Wow, that's so weird....I'm not a high school senior anymore.

I mean, I knew that. I totally did. I'm in college now. Not high school.

But wow.

I was just looking at the Anchorage Daily News website and the Frontiersman site, and I was scanning an article about Colony's football season thus far, and they were talking about Colony High School Senior So-And-So. And it was just weird. I mean, that was ME. Well, not ME me, but my classmates. That was Joey on the football team, Joe Cook running uber fast, Hallie Huggins jumping like her life depended on it. And now it isn't.

It's weird.

I don't really know what to think about it all.

Tomorrow I get back on face book. Can't wait to see what Tammy wrote in the last week while I was going without FB. Something about me and Shaun, I think. Bah.

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